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Denatium Saccharide
Denatium Saccharide
Product Code: DS507

Dinatium Saccharide is the bitterest substance in the world. Dilutions of as little as 2 ppm are unbearably bitter to most humans; however, as little as 0.01 ppm is enough to create a detectable bitter taste.
Many manufacturers add Denatium to household products as a safety ingredient. If a child accidentally tried to eat or drink a product, they would spit it out before any harm is made.

Denatium Saccharide is present in many cleaning products, cosmetics, garden pesticides, anti-freeze, lighter fluids, air fresheners, windshield wiper fluids and many more.

Denatium Saccharide is an aversive agents (bitterants) to prevent inappropriate ingestion. Denatonium is used in denatured alcohol, antifreeze, preventive nail biting preparations, animal repellents, liquid soaps, and some toy products to prevent accidental swallowing or choking by children. It is not known to pose any long-term health risks.

Item Specifications Price Availability Qty Order
1 Ounce, (30 grams) $35.00 Yes
100 grams, (3.5 oz) $95.00 Yes
1 Kg. $580.00 Yes

Additional Description

Other applications of Denatium Saccharide:
The bitterness of the compound guides most applications of denatonium. this compound will make a product so bitter that children and pets will not be able to swallow it. Denatonium saccharide makes sweet but highly toxic products such as antifreeze and detergents taste foul. Research shows that people can detect denatonium saccharide in water at 50 parts per billion. Denatonium saccharide is bitter at 1 to 10 ppm, at 30 to 100 ppm virtually any product becomes impossible to masticate. Denatonium saccharide is also stable and inert. In addition, so little is needed that the properties of the product remain unchanged.

Denatonium saccharide is a bittering agent in squirrel, vole, dog, and cat repellents used on outdoor surfaces and structures such as trees, fences, poles, decks, planters, siding, garbage cans, furniture, seeds, and bulbs.

CAS No.: 90823-38-4
Purity: = 99.5%
Melting Point: 175 - 182șC
pH: 5.5 - 7.5
Loss on drying < 1%
Residue on ignition < 0.1 %
Chloride < 0.2%

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