NBWAX421PRefined White Natural Beeswax$17 - $7475PROSINPortuguese Rosin, Flakes,$12 - $350ROSINCRCrushed Pine Rosin (For Baseball Rosin Bag and Aquatint Dusting)$7.50 - $4420ROSINSIL6
Gum Rosin Flakes, Brazilian, WW Grade
Gum Rosin Flakes, also known as colophony, are light yellow-amber in color and sourced from Pinus Elliottii, commonly known as the slash pine. This WW grade rosin complies with Class A, Type I, Grade WW Mil. Spec. A-A-59142. It is supplied in a mixture of small and large flakes, crystals, occasional large lumps, and fine powder. The product is brittle at room temperature but melts at stove-top temperatures. Gum Rosin Flakes are widely used in printing inks, varnishes, adhesives, soaps, sealing wax, soldering fluxes, depilatory hard wax, and paper sizing. 550 lb pallets of rosin are available at discounted prices or free shipping within parts of the U.S.
Product Specifications
Softening Point 78ºC Color X/WW (5/6) (Gardner, 1:1 Toluene) Country of Origin Brazil Acid Number 166.2 mg KOH/g Total VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) 0.4% H.S. Code 3806.10.0010 NMFC 171260
Applications and Benefits:
- Used in printing inks for enhanced adhesion and color quality.
- Essential in varnishes, adhesives, and paper sizing.
- Key ingredient in depilatory wax (hard wax) formulations.
- Used in soaps, sealing wax, and soldering fluxes.
- 550 lb pallets available with free shipping in select regions.
- Brazilian rosin is a good choice for scalding hogs—provided its properties (a slightly higher softening point and lower tackiness) result in a more controlled adhesion that minimizes skin damage and eases cleanup.
Store in a cool, dry place. Handle with proper safety precautions. Refer to the SDS for detailed safety and handling instructions.
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- AA59142-AIWW compliant rosin
- adhesive rosin
- Brazilian rosin
- colophony
- discounted rosin pallets
- Gum rosin flakes
- H.S. Code 3806.10.0010.
- hard wax rosin
- Mil. Spec. A-A-59142 rosin
- paper sizing rosin
- Pinus Elliottii rosin
- printing ink rosin
- scalding hogs
- sealing wax
- soap rosin
- soldering flux
- varnish rosin
- WW grade
Partially Hydrogenated Gum Rosin
Dammar Gum Resin Crystals
Gum Rosin Lumps, Honduran, Grade Wg/Ww
Lanolin Wax, Usp Grade
Refined White Natural Beeswax
Natural Beeswax Filtered Granular
Portuguese Rosin, Flakes,
Crushed Pine Rosin (For Baseball Rosin Bag and Aquatint Dusting)
Rosin Powder, 100% Natural Rosin
Rosin Powder Blend With Calcium Carbonate
Rosin Powder Silica Blend
Ester Gum (Glycerol Ester of Gum Rosin)
Beeswax, Refined Light Yellow
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