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  • Brilliant Blue #1 Fcf Synthetic triarylmethane blue colorant, soluble in water and glycerol.
  • Brilliant Blue #1 Fcf
  • Brilliant Blue #1 Fcf

Brilliant Blue FCF (FD&C Blue #1)

Synthetic blue colorant for foods, cosmetics, and industrial uses.

Brilliant Blue FCF (FD&C Blue #1)

Brilliant blue FCF (FDC Blue #1) is a synthetic organic compound used primarily as a blue colorant for processed foods, medications, dietary supplements, and cosmetics. It is classified as a triarylmethane dye and is known under various names, such as FD&C Blue No. 1 or acid blue 9. It is denoted by E number E133 and has a color index of 42090. It has the appearance of a blue powder and is soluble in water and glycerol, with a maximum absorption at about 628 nanometers. It is one of the oldest FDA-approved color additives and is generally considered nontoxic and safe.

As a blue color, brilliant blue FCF is often found in cotton candy, ice cream, canned processed peas, packet soups, bottled food colorings, icings, ice pops, blueberry flavored products, children’s medications, dairy products, sweets, soft drinks, and drinks, especially the liqueur Blue Curaçao. It is also used in soaps, shampoos, mouthwash, and other hygiene and cosmetics applications.

Brilliant blue FCF is extensively used as a water tracer agent. Due to its ability to retain color for long periods, it outperforms other dye tracers. Additionally, brilliant blue FCF has a low toxicity level that is favorable for the environment.

Product Specifications

Molecular Weight 792.84
Molecular Formula C37H34N2Na2O9S3
CAS Number 3844-45-9
E Number E133
Color Index 42090
Maximum Absorption 628 nm

Applications and Benefits:

  • Food and beverage coloring (e.g., ice cream, candies, drinks)
  • Cosmetics and personal care products (e.g., soaps, shampoos, lipsticks)
  • Biological stains and textile dye
  • Wood staining and indicators
  • Water tracer dye with high retention and low toxicity


Handle in accordance with safety guidelines. Refer to SDS for details.

  • Availability: In Stock
  • Model: FDCBLUE1
  • Brand: ChemicalStore

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